Another win for GLBT rights last week! The SCOTUS ruling June 28th concerning Christian Legal Society v. Martinez, has set a major precedent concerning free speech and discrimination based on sexual orientation. In this case, the latter took precedence. In addition, SCOTUS ruled that sexual orientation is an “identifiable class” in line with others such as race, nationality, etc.
The Christian Legal Society is a student organization at the University of California. Joining the group required members to sign an agreement that they would not engage in pre-marital sex, among other conditions. Essentially the group banned gays, in violation of the UC non-discrimination policy. UC required the group to allow gays and anyone else to join and so the CLS sued on the grounds that UC was violating their 1st Amendment Rights (free speech). They lost.
Of course the fundies are screaming that this is a sign of the impending destruction of religious freedoms because of the homosexual agenda, but the fundies are unimportant and ignorant, as usual, and are always in a state of panic and anger. This ruling is important for equal rights because the SCOTUS recognized sexual orientation as an identifiable class, distinguishing it from a behavior, mutable aspect, or choice. And we all know there is a very important federal case pending right now concerning marriage equality that, when it goes to the SCOTUS, will likely “legalize” same-sex marriage across the nation the same way the 1967 Loving case “legalized” interracial marriage across the nation. I’m excited!
Happy Independence Day! Remember, freedom of religion also means freedom from religion! America was founded upon this concept as we escaped from religious oppression. The SCOTUS ruling and the coming nationwide marriage equality is reason to celebrate our freedom on this July 4th! Freedom from prejudice and discrimination. Freedom to marry the person we love.