Dr. Rekers

George Allen Rekers – you’re probably already familiar with the name if you watch the news; doctor for the Family Research Council (closely associated with the Maine Family Policy Council AKA Christian Civic League), the National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), and the American College of Pediatrics (not a real college, by the way). He was recently caught with a 20-year-old male prostitute who has since admitted to having sexual relations with Reker.

It is being widely covered in national media, but I really liked Rachel Maddow’s report, which is more frank and to the point. Reker, like many fundamentalists, has based his career on making life miserable for gay youth and just mailed out an anti-gay letter to American schools misinforming them that homosexuality can be cured. This is a complete lie, as most intelligent individuals recognize. There are absolutely no scientific studies to support any claim of NARTH or the FRC. In fact the American Psychological Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and the legitimate organization, the American Academy of Pediatrics, all support the fact that homosexuality is inborn and cannot be changed.

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