I’m currently waiting in NYC (JFK) airport for my connecting flight to Ft. Lauderdale for two weeks of scuba diving and other fun stuff in the Florida Keys! I’m super tired ’cause I’ve been up all night – there was a drag show and dance last night, and they just opened a new gay bar in Bangor called the Therapy Lounge. The flight out of Portland left at 8am, so I didn’t get any sleep in between. I’m glad I brought my pillow! I will be posting photos every day or so on Flickr and Facebook, as well as videos of my scuba diving (yes, underwater videos) to YouTube.
I may be really tired, but the fact that I’ll be in the sunny heat, walking under palm trees on the beach in a few hours, more than compensates. Plus, I can sleep on the plane. Finally some time to relax. I am also happy because I will easily be able to graduate after just two more semesters (Spring 2011). I will be getting my Bachelors of Science in Biology, then I’ll likely be making a more permanent move to Florida.
I wanted to bring your attention to some gay rights stuff going on right now. Other than the Question 1 lawsuit dragging out in Maine, a new documentary is just premiering exposing the ignorance and bigotry behind Prop.8 and how it was hugely supported by the Mormon Church. This is their website: The Mormon Propo$ition: Equality for Some. And trailer below…
Also, this Monday, May 17th, is the International Day Against Homophobia. It’s focused on addressing the homophobia that still exists in the sporting world. Below is one of their posters 😉