The Cove

I just watched this really incredible documentary called The Cove. It’s focused on the Japanese exploitation and slaughter of dolphins in Taiji. It’s very disturbing, but I’m glad I know about this now – I wasn’t aware that dolphins are still being killed for food in Japan, and in such an inhumane way. This documentary exposes the secrets of the Taiji dolphin slaughters that go on every day between September and March. FMI visit or

I have noticed recently a lot of films have promoted a more humanitarian perspective. I just saw Avatar in 3D with my friend Jay the other day and the message was clearly about the exploitation of other sentient beings. District 9, another scifi film, reminded me of how people treat those they see lesser than them – the real “District 9” in the movie accurately represents real concentration camps existing both in history and modern day. There have been countless environmental films and human rights documentaries in recent years. I hope this means we are moving in a direction of conscious raising, and that many of us will take the steps to actually do something about these issues.

I know most of you reading my blog are from Maine. Right here in Turner, Maine we have an issue with the Quality Egg of New England farm, a farm that is abusing its animals to the extreme. You can watch video below that was captured earlier this year:

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